Adopt-a-Family in need for Christmas

Adopt-a-Family in need for Christmas

From Lisa Klein

I know 2 families in our community that desperately need help this Christmas. Cancer and Brain Injury have left these 2 families in great need. Give if you can.

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Katia Penrod commented with a $200 donation:
over 10 years ago
Dave's work gave us $200 to donate to whoever we want. So excited to donate it to our families!
Lisa Klein commented:
over 10 years ago
2nd Family- The dad had a bicycle accident and suffered a brain injury and consequently lost his job this summer. 2 kids and a wife.
Lisa Klein commented:
over 10 years ago
1stFamily- The mother (Gloria)has been battling cancer for a few years and it is spreading. It is in her brain and body. 2 sons & husband.
Katia Penrod commented with a support:
over 10 years ago
Love it!